uses crt; var f:text; s : string; ch : char; i,j,sum,e,t : integer; begin clrscr; assign(f,'c:\question.txt'); reset(f); sum := 0; i := 0; while (not(eof(f))) do begin clrscr; inc(i); writeln('Nagimaite cifry 0,1,2 Vopros N ',i); readln(f,s); writeln(s); writeln('Varianti otvetov'); for j := 1 to 3 do begin write(j,' '); readln(f,s); writeln(s); end; writeln; repeat ch := readkey; until ch in ['0'..'2']; for j := 1 to 3 do begin readln(f,s); if j = ord(ch)-48 then begin val(s,t,e); sum := sum + t; end; end; end; writeln('Nabrano ballov - ',sum); if sum<=12 then writeln('Vasha otcenka = 0 :( Vy prosto delayete to, chto Vam interesno'); if (sum>13) and (sum<21) then writeln('Vasha otcenka = 4- :) Po dobroy vole lishnego na sebya ne vozmete ;)'); if sum>21 then writeln('Vasha otcenka = 5 :) Podumayte o gibkosti, snishoditelnosti i dobrote'); close(f); readln; end.