program sorting; uses def24; var c : char; s : stack; t : telem; procedure Concat(var s1 : stack;s2:stack); var s3:stack; begin init(s3); while not empty(s2) do begin put(s3,top(s2));get(s2); end; while not empty(s3) do begin put(s1,top(s3)); get(s3) end; end; { Concat } procedure QuickSort(var s : stack); var s1,s2 : stack;V,k:telem; begin if not empty(s) then begin init(s1);init(s2); V:=top(s);get(s); while not empty(s) do begin k:=top(s); if k.key< V.key then put(s1,k) else put(s2,k); get(s); end; QuickSort(s1); QuickSort(s2); put(s1,V); Concat(s1,s2); s:=s1; end; end; { QuickSort } var st: string; i: colors; Begin init(s); repeat writeln('1=Init 2=Empty 3=Get 4=Top 5=Put 6=Print 7=Kolvo 8=Sort 9=Exit'); readln(c); case c of '1' : init(s); '2' : writeln(empty(s)); '3' : if not empty(s) then get(s) else writeln('Stack is empty!'); '4' : if not empty(s) then begin t:=top(s); writeln('Key: ',t.key:1,'. Data: ',s_colors[],'.'); end else writeln('Stack is empty!'); '5' : begin writeln('Input key:'); readln(t.key); writeln('Input data:'); // readln(; readln(st); for i := low(colors) to high(colors) do if s_colors[i] = st then begin := i; put(s, t); break; end; // put(s,t); end; '6' : if not empty(s) then print(s) else writeln('Stack is empty!'); '7' : writeln('Number of elements: ',kolvo(s):1); '8' : if empty(s) then writeln('Stack is empty!') else if kolvo(s)>1 then QuickSort(s); end; until c='9'; end.