uses Graph; const Triangle: array[1..4] of PointType = ((X: 50; Y: 100), (X: 100; Y:100), (X: 150; Y: 150), (X: 50; Y: 100)); var Gd, Gm: Integer; var circ:array[0..59] of PointType; i:integer; begin Gd := Detect; InitGraph(Gd, Gm, 'c:\!\bp\bgi'); if GraphResult <> grOk then Halt(1); DrawPoly(SizeOf(Triangle) div SizeOf(PointType), Triangle);{ 4 } Readln; for i:=0 to 59 do begin circ[i].x:=100+round(10*cos(i*6*pi/180)); circ[i].y:=100+round(10*sin(i*6*pi/180)); end; DrawPoly(60, circ);{ 4 } Readln; CloseGraph; end.