{$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G+,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q+,R-,S+,T+,V+,X+} {$M 16384,0,655360} unit my_unit; Interface {LongArifmetika} Const MaxLen=255; Type TNum=Array[0..MaxLen] Of Byte; mas= record s:array[1..32000] of integer; end; Var mt,dt:Array[0..100] Of Byte; iii:Longint; Procedure Add(A,B:TNum;Var C:TNum); {cyma} Procedure Sub(A,B:TNum;Var C:TNum); Procedure Mul10(Pow:Longint;Var X:TNum); Procedure Mulm10(Pow:Longint;Var X:TNum); Procedure Mul(A,B:TNum;Var C:TNum); {c=a*b} Procedure MulC(A:TNum;C:Longint;Var B:TNum); {b=a*c} Function InputLong(Var X:TNum):Boolean; {pomeshaetsa x v longint?} Procedure PrintLong(Var X:TNum); {pechat x} Function Len(X:TNum):Longint; {����������� �����} Function CmpEqLns(A,B:TNum):Char; {��������� ����� ����� �����} Function Cmp(A,B:TNum):Char; {��������� �����} Procedure Dvd(A,B:TNum;Var C:TNum); Procedure IntToTNum(K:Longint;Var R:TNum); Procedure StrToTNum(S:String;Var R:TNum); {Sortirovka} Procedure QuickSort( L, R : Integer;var a:mas ); { ������ ����� ���ᨢ� A[] } {Screen} Procedure initgr; Procedure clrscreen; Procedure enter; {Key} Function vihod:boolean; Function ScanKey : Byte; {File} Function Exist(Name : String) : Boolean; {Math Chisla} Function HEX_DEC(x:string):longint; Function DEC_HEX(x:longint):string; Function BIN_DEC(x:string):longint; Function DEC_BIN(x:longint):string; Function BinAdd(s1,s2:string):string; Function BinSub(s1,s2:string):string; {Math} Function koren(x,n:longint):real; Function realstep(x,k:real):real; Function Sumacifr(n: LongInt): Integer; Function NOK(x,y:longint):longint; { �㪭�� ���᪠ ����. ���. ��⭮�� } Function NOD(x,y:longint):longint; { �㪭�� ���᪠ ����. ���. ����⥫� } Function step(a,b:byte):longint; Function Fact(n:longint):longint; Function Symetry(n:longint):boolean; Function Kolcifr(n:longint):byte; Function Polind(i:integer):integer; Function Armstrong(n:longint):boolean; Function Proste(n:word):boolean; Function Fibon(n:byte):longint; Function Rad(q:real):real; Function Strtofloat( s : string ) : real; Function Step10(num:byte) : longint; Function Floattostr(int: real): string; Function Strtoint(str: longint): integer; Function Inttostr(int: longint): string; {Timer} Function ReadTimer: longint; Function ReadTimerChipCount: word; Function ReadOscelator: longint; Procedure DelayEX(ms: word); {Mouse} Function MousePressed: Boolean; Procedure initm; Procedure InitMouse(Var ButtonCount,ErrorCode :byte); Procedure MouseOn; Procedure MouseOff; Procedure GetMouseXY(Var x,y :word;Var LeftButton,RightButton,ThirdButton :boolean); Procedure SetMouseXY(x,y :word); Procedure GetMouseXYOnDown(Var x,y:word;ButtonNumber :byte;Var Count :byte;Var LeftButton,RightButton,ThirdButton:boolean); Procedure GetMouseXYOnUp(Var x,y :word;ButtonNumber :byte;Var Count :byte;Var LeftButton,RightButton,ThirdButton:boolean); Implementation Uses Crt,Dos,graph; Var SystemTimer: LongInt absolute $40:$6C; Var regs :registers; Procedure initgr; var gd,gm:integer; begin gd:=detect; initgraph(gd,gm,''); SetTextStyle(smallfont, HorizDir, 6); end; Procedure swapper(var a,b :real); var z:real; begin z:=a; a:=b; b:=a; end; Function koren (x,n:longint):real; begin koren:=realstep(x,1/n); end; Function realstep(x,k:real):real; begin if x>0 then realstep:=Exp(k*ln(x)) else realstep:=-1; end; Function Sumacifr(n: LongInt): Integer; Var s: Integer; Begin s := 0; While n <> 0 Do Begin Inc(s, n mod 10); n := n div 10 End; sumacifr:= s End; Function BinSub(s1,s2:string):string; var s:string; l,i,j:byte; begin {��ࠢ������� ��ப �� �����} if length(s1)>length(s2) then while length(s2)<length(s1) do s2:='0'+s2 else while length(s1)<length(s2) do s1:='0'+s1; l:=length(s1); {��砫� �����⬠ ���⠭��} s:=''; for i:=l downto 1 do begin case s1[i] of '1': if s2[i]='0' then s:='1'+s else s:='0'+s; '0': if s2[i]='0' then s:='0'+s else begin s:='1'+s; if (s1[i-1]='1') then s1[i-1]:='0' else begin j:=1; while (i-j>0) and (s1[i-j]='0') do begin s1[i-j]:='1'; inc(j); end; s1[i-j]:='0'; end; end; end; end; {����⮦���� ��।��� �����} while (length(s)>1) and (s[1]='0') do delete(s,1,1); BinSub:=s; end; Function BinAdd(s1,s2:string):string; var s:string; l,i,d,carry:byte; begin {��ࠢ������� ��ப �� �����} if length(s1)>length(s2) then while length(s2)<length(s1) do s2:='0'+s2 else while length(s1)<length(s2) do s1:='0'+s1; l:=length(s1); s:=''; carry:=0; for i:=l downto 1 do begin d := (ord(s1[i])-ord('0')) + (ord(s2[i])-ord('0')) + carry; carry := d div 2; d:=d mod 2; s:=char(d+ord('0')) + s; end; if carry<>0 then s:='1'+s; BinAdd:=s; end; Procedure QuickSort( L, R : Integer;var a:mas ); { ������ ����� ���ᨢ� A[] } var i,j,x,y : integer; begin i := l; j := r; x := a.s[(l+r) div 2]; repeat while (A.s[i]<x) do inc(i); while (x<A.s[j]) do dec(j); if ( i<=j ) then begin y:=A.s[i]; a.s[i]:=a.s[j]; a.s[j]:=y; inc(i); dec(j); end; until (i>j); if (l<j) then QuickSort(l,j,a); if (i<r) then QuickSort(i,r,a); end; Function NOK(x,y:longint):longint; { �㪭�� ���᪠ ����. ���. ��⭮�� } begin NOK:=( x div NOD(x,y) ) * y; end; Function NOD(x,y:longint):longint; { �㪭�� ���᪠ ����. ���. ����⥫� } begin if x<>0 then NOD:=NOD(y mod x,x) else NOD:=y; end; Function BIN_DEC(x:string):longint; const digits:array [0..1] of char = ('0','1'); var res,ves:longint; i,j:byte; begin res:=0; ves:=1; for i:=length(x) downto 1 do begin j:=0; while (digits[j]<>x[i]) do inc(j); res:=res+ves*j; ves:=ves*2; end; BIN_DEC:=res; end; Function HEX_DEC(x:string):longint; const digits:array [0..15] of char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var res,ves:longint; i,j:byte; a:string; begin res:=0; ves:=1; for i:=length(x) downto 1 do begin j:=0; a[i]:=UpCase(a[i]); while (digits[j]<>x[i]) do inc(j); res:=res+ves*j; ves:=ves*16; end; HEX_DEC:=res; end; Function step(a,b:byte):longint; var r:longint; c:integer; begin r:=1; c:=a; while b>0 do begin if odd(b) then begin r:=r*c; dec(b); end else begin c:=c*c; b:=b div 2; end; end; step:=r; end; Function DEC_BIN(x:longint):string; const digits:array [0..1] of char = ('0','1'); var res:string; d:0..1; begin res:=''; while (x<>0) do begin d:=x mod 2; res:=digits[d]+res; x:=x div 2; end; DEC_BIN:=res; end; Function DEC_HEX(x:longint):string; const digits:array [0..15] of char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'); var res:string; d:0..15; begin res:=''; while (x<>0) do begin d:=x mod 16; x:=x div 16; res:=digits[d]+res; end; DEC_HEX:=res; end; Function Fact(n:longint):longint; var f:longint; j:shortint; begin f:=1; for j:=1 to n do f:=f*j; fact:=f; end; Function symetry(n:longint):boolean; var z,c:longint; begin if (n<0) or (kolcifr(n)<>2) or (kolcifr(n)<>4) or (kolcifr(n)<>6) or (kolcifr(n)<>8) then symetry:=false else begin z:=n; c:=n mod step10(kolcifr(n) div 2); z:=z div step10(kolcifr(n) div 2); if z=c then symetry:=true else symetry:=false; end; end; Function Kolcifr(n:longint):byte; begin While N <> 0 Do Begin Writeln(N Mod 10); N:=N Div 10; End; End; Function polind(i:integer):integer; var p,s:integer; begin s:=0; p:=i; while p>0 do begin s:=s*10+p mod 10; p:=p div 10; end; polind:=s; end; Function Armstrong(n:longint):boolean; var z,a,t:longint; begin t:=n; z:=0; if n<0 then armstrong:=false else if n<10 then armstrong:=true else while a<>0 do begin a:=t mod 10; t:=t div 10; z:=z+a; end; if z=n then armstrong:=true else armstrong:=false; end; Function Proste(n:word):boolean; var zuy:boolean; i:word; begin zuy:=true; for i:=2 to round(sqrt(n)+1) do if n mod i=0 then zuy:=false; proste:=zuy; end; Function Fibon(n:byte):longint; begin if (n=1) or (n=0) then fibon:=1 else fibon:=fibon(n-1)-fibon(n-2); end; Function rad(q:real):real; begin rad:=q/360*2*pi; end; Function ReadTimer: longint; begin ReadTimer := SystemTimer; end; Function ReadTimerChipCount: word; var frec: word; begin frec := port[$40]; frec := frec or (port[$40] shl 8); ReadTimerChipCount := frec; end; function ReadOscelator: longint; begin ReadOscelator := ((ReadTimer and $7fff)*$10000) or (65535-ReadTimerChipCount); end; procedure DelayEX(ms: word); const k=1193180/1000; var T: longint; begin T := ReadOscelator + trunc(ms*k); Repeat until T <= ReadOscelator; end; Function strtofloat; var code : integer; x : real; begin Val(s,x,Code); if code>0 then begin s:=Copy(s,1,code-1); Val(s,x,code); end; strtofloat:=x; end; Procedure enter; begin writeln; end; Procedure clrscreen; begin clrscr; end; Function Exist(Name : String) : Boolean; Var F : File; Begin Assign(F,name); {$I-} Reset(F); Close(F); {$I+} Exist:= IOResult=0; End; Function vihod:boolean; var z:byte; begin repeat if keypressed then z:=scankey; until (z=21) or (z=49); if z=21 then vihod:=true else vihod:=false; end; Function ScanKey : Byte; Assembler; Asm Mov Ah,0 Int 16h Xchg Ah,Al Xor Ah,Ah End; Function step10(num:byte) : longint; var govn,givn:byte; begin givn:=1; for govn:=1 to num do givn:=givn*10; step10:=givn; end; Function floattostr(int: real): string; var s: string; begin str(int:2:2,s); floattostr:=s; end; Function strtoint(str: longint): integer; var I, Code: Integer; begin Val(ParamStr(1), I, Code); if code = 0 then strtoint:=i; end; Function inttostr(int: longint): string; var s: string; begin str(int:10,s); inttostr:=s; end; procedure Start (var T:longint); begin T:=SystemTimer; end; procedure Stop (var T:longint); begin T:=SystemTimer-T; end; procedure Pause (T:longint); var Xn,Xt:longint; begin Xt:=0; Xn:=SystemTimer; While ((Xt-Xn)/18.2)*1000 < T do Xt:=SystemTimer; end; Procedure InitMouse; Begin With regs do begin ax:=$0000; Intr($33,regs); If ax=$FFFF then ErrorCode:=0 else ErrorCode:=1; ButtonCount:=bx end End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function MousePressed: Boolean; var resultbx:word; begin asm Mov ax, $03 Int $33 mov resultbx,bx end; MousePressed := resultbx<>0 end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure initm; var x,y:word; lb,mb,rb:boolean; b,err:byte; begin initmouse(b,err); setmousexy(0,0); mouseon; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure MouseOn; Begin regs.ax:=$0001; intr($33,regs) End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure MouseOff; Begin regs.ax:=$0002; intr($33,regs) End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetMouseXY; Var ButtonCode :byte; Begin With regs do begin ax:=$0003; intr($33,regs); x:=cx; y:=dx; ButtonCode:=bx end; LeftButton:=(ButtonCode and 1)=1; RightButton:=(ButtonCode and 2)=2; ThirdButton:=(ButtonCode and 4)=4 End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure SetMouseXY; Begin With regs do begin ax:=$0004; cx:=x; dx:=y; intr($33,regs) end End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetMouseXYOnDown; Var ButtonCode :byte; Begin with regs do begin ax:=$0005; bx:=ButtonNumber; intr($33,regs); ButtonCode:=ax; Count:=Bx; x:=cx; y:=dx end; LeftButton:=(ButtonCode and 1)=1; RightButton:=(ButtonCode and 2)=2; ThirdButton:=(ButtonCode and 4)=4 End; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetMouseXYOnUp; Var ButtonCode :byte; Begin with regs do begin ax:=$0006; bx:=ButtonNumber; intr($33,regs); ButtonCode:=ax; Count:=Bx; x:=cx; y:=dx end; LeftButton:=(ButtonCode and 1)=1; RightButton:=(ButtonCode and 2)=2; ThirdButton:=(ButtonCode and 4)=4 End; {ARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFMARIFM} Function Max(X,Y:Longint):Longint; Begin If X>Y Then Max:=X Else Max:=Y; End; Procedure Add; Var I,D :Longint; Begin IntToTNum(0,C); D:=0; For I:=MaxLen DownTo MaxLen-Max(Len(A),Len(B)) Do Begin C[I]:=(A[I]+B[I]+D) Mod 10; D:=(A[I]+B[I]+D) Div 10; End; C[0]:=Max(Len(A),Len(B))+1; If C[MaxLen-Max(Len(A),Len(B))]=0 Then Dec(C[0]); End; Procedure Mul10; Var I:Longint; Begin For I:=1 To MaxLen-Pow Do X[I]:=X[I+Pow]; For I:=MaxLen+1-Pow To MaxLen Do X[I]:=0; Inc(X[0],Pow); End; Procedure Mulm10; Var I:Longint; Begin For I:=MaxLen DownTo Pow+1 Do X[I]:=X[I-Pow]; For I:=1 To Pow Do X[I]:=0; Dec(X[0],Pow); If X[0]<0 Then X[0]:=0; End; Procedure Mul; Var I,J,D,V,LA,LB,P :Integer; T :TNum; Begin FillChar(c,SizeOf( c ),0); LA:=Len(a); LB:=Len(b); For i:=LB DownTo 1 Do Begin d:=0; For j:=LA DownTo 0 Do Begin P:=MaxLen-LA+j+i-LB; V:=a[MaxLen-LA+j]*b[MaxLen-LB+i]+d+c[P]; c[P]:=mt[V]; d:=dt[v]; End; End; End; Procedure MulC; Var i,j,d:Longint; t:TNum; Begin For I:=1 To MaxLen Do B[I]:=0; For J:=1 To MaxLen Do T[J]:=0; D:=0; For J:=MaxLen DownTo MaxLen-Len(A) Do Begin T[J]:=(A[J]*C+D) Mod 10; D:=(A[J]*C+D) Div 10; End; T[0]:=Len(A)+1; Add(T,B,B); End; Function InputLong; Var I :Longint; S :String; Cod :Integer; Begin Readln(S); If s='-1' Then Begin InputLong:=False; Exit; End; InputLong:=True; FillChar(X,SizeOf(X),0); For I:=1 To Length(S) Do Val(S[I],X[MaxLen-Length(S)+I],Cod); X[0]:=Length(s); End; Procedure PrintLong; Var I :Longint; Begin If Len(X)=0 Then Write(0) Else For I:=MaxLen+1-Len(X) To MaxLen Do Write(X[I]); End; Function Len; Var I :Longint; Begin Len:=0; I:=2; While ((X[I]=0) And (I<=MaxLen)) Do Inc(I); Len:=MaxLen+1-I; End; Function CmpEqLns; Var I :Longint; R :Char; Begin R:='='; I:=1; While ((I<=MaxLen) And (R='=')) Do Begin If A[I]>B[I] Then R:='>' Else If A[I]<B[I] Then R:='<'; Inc(I); End; CmpEqLns:=R; End; Function Cmp; Begin If Len(A)>Len(B) Then Cmp:='>' Else If Len(A)<Len(B) Then Cmp:='<' Else Cmp:=CmpEqLns(A,B); End; Procedure Sub; Var I,D :Longint; Begin IntToTNum(0,C); Begin D:=0; For I:=MaxLen DownTo MaxLen-Max(Len(A),Len(B)) Do Begin C[I]:=(A[I]-B[I]+10-D) Mod 10; If (A[I]-B[I]-D)<0 Then D:=1 Else D:=0; End; C[0]:=Max(Len(A),Len(B)); End;{If} End; Procedure IntToTNum; Var i:Longint; cod:Integer; s:String; Begin if k<0 then begin R[0]:=1; K:=-K; end; str(k,s); for i:=0 to MaxLen do R[i]:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do val(s[i],R[MaxLen-length(s)+i],Cod); R[0]:=Length(s); End; Procedure StrToTNum; Var cod:Integer; i:Longint; Begin if s[1]='-' then begin R[0]:=1; Delete(s,1,1); end; for i:=1 to MaxLen do R[i]:=0; for i:=1 to length(s) do val(s[i],R[MaxLen-length(s)+i],Cod); End; Procedure Dvd; Var i,j,k:Longint; r,t,n,v:TNum; Begin k:=MaxLen+1-len(A); IntToTNum(a[k],n); IntToTNum(0,r); IntToTNum(0,v); while k<=MaxLen do begin i:=10; repeat dec(i); MulC(b,i,t) until cmp(t,n)<>'>'; mul10(1,r); v[MaxLen]:=i; add(r,v,r); sub(n,t,n); mul10(1,n); inc(k); if k<=MaxLen then begin v[MaxLen]:=a[k]; add(n,v,n); end; end; c:=r; End; Begin For iii:=0 To 100 Do Begin mt[iii]:=iii Mod 10; dt[iii]:=iii Div 10; End; END.