uses CRT; const N=9; M=3; type tCell=0..N; tBoard=array[1..N,1..N] of tCell; tList=set of tCell; var Board:tBoard; List:tList; a,b,c, i,j,k,l, Total:byte; Ok,Done:boolean; procedure ShowBoard(k,l:tCell); var i,j,Bac:integer; begin for i:=0 to N+1 do begin for j:=0 to N+1 do begin if i*j*(i-N-1)*(j-N-1)=0 then begin TextBackGround(7);Write(' ') end else begin if Odd(Pred(i) div M+Pred(j) div M) then Bac:=0 else Bac:=1; TextColor(7);TextBackGround(Bac); if Board[i,j]=0 then Write(' ') else begin Write(' '); if (i=k)and(j=l) then begin TextColor(15);TextBackGround(5);Write(Board[i,j]); end else Write(Board[i,j]) end end end; TextBackGround(0); WriteLn end; WriteLn; If ReadKey=#27 then Halt end; procedure FillList(Cell:tCell); begin if not (Cell in List) then begin List:=List+[Cell]; Inc(Total); if Total=9 then begin WriteLn('No way! ',i,' ',j); end end end; procedure ReadBoard(Name:string); var s:string; f:text; begin Assign(f,Name);ReSet(f); for i:=1 to N do begin ReadLn(f,s); for j:=1 to N do if j<=Length(s) then case s[j] of '0'..'9':Board[i,j]:=Byte(s[j])-48; else Board[i,j]:=0 end else Board[i,j]:=0 end; Close(f) end; begin ReadBoard('sudoku.dat'); ShowBoard(0,0); repeat Ok:=false; Done:=true; for i:=1 to N do for j:=1 to N do if Board[i,j]=0 then begin Done:=false; a:=Pred(i) div M*M; b:=Pred(j) div M*M; Total:=0; List:=[0]; for k:=1 to N do begin FillList(Board[k,j]); FillList(Board[i,k]); end; for k:=Succ(a) to a+M do for l:=Succ(b) to b+M do FillList(Board[k,l]); if Total=8 then begin c:=1; while c in List do Inc�; Board[i,j]:=c; Ok:=true; ShowBoard(i,j) end end; if Done then WriteLn('Done!') until not Ok or Done; if not Done then WriteLn('Multiple choce') end.