program L1; uses crt, graph,dos; const n=10; type field= array[1..n] of array [1..n] of boolean; matrix= object CellWidth:integer; x,y,QuitX,QuitY:integer; game_flag:byte; xInit,yInit:integer; NumofMines:integer; colour,pattern,CellColour:word; mines,marked: field; constructor Init; procedure DrawCounter(counter:string); procedure DrawQuitButton; procedure DrawMatrix; procedure FillMines; function MarkMines: boolean; procedure GameOver; procedure OpenCells(i,j:integer); procedure DrawOpenedCells(i,j:integer); function IsMine(a,b:integer):boolean; function DetectMines(a,b:integer):integer; end; procedure show_mouse; var reg:registers; begin$01; intr($33,reg); end; Procedure hide_mouse; Inline( $B8/$02/$00/ $CD/$33); procedure get_mouse_coordinates(var b:byte;var x,y:word); var reg:registers; begin$03; intr($33,reg); with reg do begin b:=bl; x:=cx; y:=dx; end; end; procedure mouse_goto(x,y:word); var reg:registers; begin with reg do begin ax:=$04; cx:=x; dx:=y; end; intr($33,reg); end; constructor matrix.Init; var i,j:byte; begin CellWidth:=25; CellColour:=11; x:=GetMaxX div 3; y:=GetMaxY div 3; NumofMines:=15; game_flag:=0; xInit:=x; yInit:=y; QuitX:=xInit; QuitY:=yInit-CellWidth; colour:=0; pattern:=1; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do marked[i][j]:=FALSE; end; procedure matrix.DrawCounter(counter:string); var xF,yF:integer; begin xF:=xInit-2; yF:=GetMaxY div 10; SetColor(4); SetFillStyle(8,12); Bar3D(xF,yF,xF+CellWidth*n+7,yF+50,0,FALSE); SetFillStyle(1,10); Bar3D(xF+CellWidth*n div 3+10, yF+10, xF+CellWidth*n div 3+40,yF+40,0,FALSE); SetTextStyle(4,0,3); OutTextXY(xF+CellWidth*n div 3+12, yF+10,counter); end; procedure matrix.DrawQuitButton; begin SetColor(8); SetFillStyle(1,7); SetColor(0); Bar3D(QuitX,QuitY,QuitX+CellWidth*n,QuitY+20,0,FALSE); OutTextXY(QuitX+CellWidth*3,QuitY+2,'Quit'); end; procedure matrix.DrawMatrix; var i,j: integer; begin mouse_goto(colour,pattern); show_mouse; SetColor(colour); SetFillStyle(pattern,CellColour); for i:=1 to 10 do begin for j:=1 to 10 do begin Bar3D(x,y,x+CellWidth,y+CellWidth,0,FALSE); x:=x+CellWidth; end; x:=x-CellWidth*10; y:=y+CellWidth; end; end; procedure matrix.FillMines; var i,j,k:integer; begin for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do mines[i][j]:=FALSE; Randomize; k:=0; repeat i:=Random(n-1)+1; j:=Random(n-1)+1; if mines[i][j]<> TRUE then begin mines[i][j]:=TRUE; inc(k); end; until k=NumofMines; end; function matrix.IsMine(a,b:integer):boolean; var i,j:integer; begin i:=(a-xInit)div CellWidth+1; j:=(b-yInit)div CellWidth+1; if mines[i][j]=TRUE then IsMine:=TRUE; end; function matrix.DetectMines(a,b:integer):integer; var i,j,m:integer; begin m:=0; i:=(a-xInit)div CellWidth+1; j:=(b-yInit)div CellWidth+1; if i+1<=n then begin if mines[i+1][j]=TRUE then inc(m); if (j-1>0)and(mines[i+1][j-1]=TRUE) then inc(m); if (j+1<=n)and(mines[i+1][j+1]=TRUE) then inc(m); end; if i-1>0 then begin if mines[i-1][j]=TRUE then inc(m); if(j+1<=n)and(mines[i-1][j+1]=TRUE) then inc(m); if (j-1>0) and(mines[i-1][j-1]=TRUE) then inc(m); end; if j+1<=n then if mines[i][j+1]=TRUE then inc(m); if j-1>0 then if mines[i][j-1]=TRUE then inc(m); DetectMines:=m; end; procedure matrix.DrawOpenedCells(i,j: integer); var NM:string; NumofNearMines,a,b: integer; begin a:=xInit+CellWidth*(i-1); b:=yInit+CellWidth*(j-1); SetFillStyle(1,14); Bar3D(a,b,a+CellWidth,b+CellWidth,0,FALSE); NumofNearMines:=DetectMines(a,b); if NumofNearMines>0 then begin Str(NumofNearMines,NM); OutTextXY(a+CellWidth div 3,b+CellWidth div 3,NM); end; if mines[i][j]=TRUE then begin SetFillStyle(1,0); FillEllipse(a+CellWidth div 2,b+CellWidth div 2,3,3); end; end; procedure matrix.OpenCells(i,j:integer); var a,b,t:integer; begin a:=xInit+CellWidth*(i-1); b:=yInit+CellWidth*(j-1); t := 0; if (i < 1) or (j < 1) then t := 1; if (i = n+1) or (j = n+1) then t := 1; if t = 0 then begin if (marked[i][j] = FALSE) then begin if mines[i][j]=TRUE then exit; marked[i][j] := TRUE; DrawOpenedCells(i,j); if mines[i][j] = FALSE then begin OpenCells(i+1,j); OpenCells(i-1,j); OpenCells(i,j-1); OpenCells(i,j+1); OpenCells(i-1,j-1); OpenCells(i+1,j-1); OpenCells(i-1,j+1); OpenCells(i+1,j+1); end; end; end; end; function matrix.MarkMines:boolean; var mouseX,mouseY,TextX,TextY,H,M,S,S100:word; i,j,x1,y1:integer; counter:string; OpenOK,PressButton: boolean; Button:byte; SFirst:longint; begin OpenOK:=FALSE; PressButton:=FALSE; Str(NumofMines,counter); DrawCounter(counter); Init; while TRUE do begin if game_flag=1 then begin MarkMines:=FALSE; Exit; end; get_mouse_coordinates(Button,MouseX,MouseY); if(Button>0)and(MouseX in [QuitX..QuitX+Cellwidth*n])and(MouseY in [QuitY..QuitY-CellWidth]) then Exit; if (MouseX > xInit) and(MouseY >yInit) then begin i:= (MouseX-xInit)div CellWidth+1; j:=(MouseY-yInit)div CellWidth+1; case Button of 2: begin if marked[i][j]<>TRUE then begin marked[i][j]:=TRUE; dec(NumofMines); Str(NumofMines,counter); DrawCounter(counter); TextX:=xInit+(CellWidth)*(i-1)+CellWidth div 3; TextY:=yInit+(CellWidth)*(j-2)+CellWidth div 2; OutTextXY(TextX,TextY,'*'); end; end; 1: begin if mines[i][j]=TRUE then begin DrawOpenedCells(i,j); MarkMines :=FALSE; exit; end; SetTextStyle(0,0,1); x:=xInit+CellWidth*(i-1); y:=yInit+CellWidth*(j-1); mouse_goto(x-CellWidth,y-CellWidth); OpenCells(i,j); end; end; end; end; end; procedure matrix.GameOver; begin SetColor(4); TextColor(128); SetTextStyle(7,0,5); OutTextXY(xInit,10,'GAME OVER'); end; var mines,marked: ^field; i,j,Err:integer; matrix1:^matrix; begin i:=detect; InitGraph(i,j,''); Err:=GraphResult; if Err<>grOK then WriteLn(GraphErrorMsg(Err)) else begin New(Matrix1,Init); Matrix1^.DrawMatrix; Matrix1^.DrawQuitButton; Matrix1^.FillMines; if Matrix1^.MarkMines=FALSE then Matrix1^.GameOver; ReadLn; Dispose(Matrix1); CloseGraph; end; end. end.