program gruppa; uses crt; type student=record fio: string[20]; godr: 1986..1988; godpostup:2003..2005; ocenky:record matem,fizika,inform,history,english:1..5 end end; var grupa:array [1..3] of student; s1: student; i,j: integer; begin clrscr; with s1, ocenky do begin for i:=1 to 3 do begin writeln ('vvedi dannie'); for j:=1 to 3 do read (fio[j]); write ('fio'); readln (fio); write ('godr [1986..1988]:'); readln (godr); write ('godpostup [2003..2005]:');readln (godpostup); writeln ('ocenky [1..5]:'); write ('matem:'); readln (matem); write ('fizika:'); readln (fizika); write ('inform:'); readln (inform); write ('history:'); readln (history); write ('english:'); readln (english); grupa [i]:=s1 end end; writeln ('spisok studentov na bukvu A:'); for i:=1 to 3 do with grupa[i] do if fio[1] in ['A'] then with ocenky do writeln (fio, 'godr=',godr:4, 'godpostup=', godpostup,matem:3,history:3,inform:3, english:3,fizika:3); readln; readkey; end.