program primer; var arr: array [1..20] of string; ch,c: Char; count,d,a,i,o: integer; st,s: string; t: text; fs:text; begin a:=0; o:=0; count:=0; assign(t,'input.txt'); reset(t); assign(fs,'output.txt'); rewrite(fs); while not eof(t) do begin inc(a); readln(t,arr[a]); end; for ch:=' ' to 'ï' do begin for d:=1 to 20 do begin repeat inc(o); if st[o]=ch then begin inc(count); end; until o=length(st); o:=0; end; end; if not (count=0) then begin str(count,s); s:=ch+'-'+s; writeln(fs,s); count:=0; end else count:=0; close(t); close(fs); readln; end.