unit menu; interface uses crt{,types,input_output,save_load}; procedure show_menu; implementation const a: array[1 .. 5] of string = ( ' ‚λ室 ', ' „®΅ Ά«¥­¨¥ ¤ ­­λε ', ' ‚λΆ®¤ ΅ §λ ', ' ‘®εΰ ­¨βμ Ά δ ©«¥ ', ' ‡ £ΰ㧨βμ ¨§ δ ©«  '); procedure show_menu; var f: boolean; poscur, l: byte; answer: char; begin textbackground(black); clrscr; f:=false; poscur:=1; repeat window(18, 7, 50, 21); textbackground(blue); Clrscr; window(1, 1, 80, 25); gotoXY(18,7); Write('ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ»'); for l:=1 to 13 do begin gotoXY(18,7+l); write('Ί Ί') end; gotoXY(18,21); write('ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ'); gotoXY(29,8); writeln('‚λ΅¥ΰ¨β¥ ¤¥©αβΆ¨¥:'); TextColor(white); For l:=1 to 5 do begin if l=poscur then textBackground(red) else textBackground(blue); gotoXY(20,9+l); write(a[l]) end; textbackground(black); answer:=readkey; case answer of #80{Down} : If poscur<5 then inc(poscur) else poscur:=1; #72{Up} : If poscur>1 then dec(poscur) else poscur:=5; #13{Enter}: Case poscur of 1: f:=true; 2:; {input_baza(list,n);} 3:; {output_baza(list,n);} 4:; {save_file(list,n);} 5:; {load_file(list,n);} end end; {case} textBackground(Black); until f; end; end.