program CTPOKA; Uses crt; var n,i,x,k,m,l : integer; s, a : string; BEGIN Writeln ('BBEguTe CTpoky'); readln (s); n:=length(s); m:=1; for i:=1 to n do begin if (s[i] in ['1'..'9']) then k:=k+1 else write; end; for i:=1 to n do begin if (s[i] in ['2','4','6','8']) then begin a[m]:=s[i]; l:=m; m:=m+1; x:=x+1; end; end; writeln; if x>0 then begin write ('4etnie 4isla stroki : '); for m:=1 to l do begin write (a[m]); if m0) and (x=0)) then writeln ('4etnih 4isel net' ); readkey; clrscr; end.