unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses Math, VarCmplx; {$R *.dfm} const kEPSILON = 1e-6; type TComplex = record re, im: Double; end; function ComplexValue(ARe, AIm: Double): TComplex; begin result.re := ARe; result.im := AIm; end; function ComplexMult(const a, b: TComplex): tcomplex; overload; begin result.re := a.re * b.re - a.im * b.im; result.im := a.re * b.im + a.im * b.re; end; function ComplexMult(const a: TComplex; f: double): tcomplex; overload; begin result.re := a.re * f; result.im := a.im * f; end; function ComplexDiv(const a, b: tcomplex): tcomplex; overload; begin if abs(b.re) >= abs(b.im) then begin result.re := (a.re + a.im * b.im / b.re) / (b.re + sqr(b.im) / b.re); result.im := (a.im - a.re * b.im / b.re) / (b.re + sqr(b.im) / b.re); end else begin result.re := (a.im + a.re * b.re / b.im) / (b.im + sqr(b.re) / b.im); result.im := (a.im * b.re / b.im - a.re) / (b.im + sqr(b.re) / b.im); end; end; function ComplexDiv(r: double; zden: TComplex): TComplex; overload; { division : z := r / zden } var denom : real; begin denom := (zden.re * zden.re) + (zden.im * zden.im); { generates a fpu exception if denom=0 as for reals } result.re := (r * zden.re) / denom; result.im := - (r * zden.im) / denom; end; function ComplexAdd(const a, b: TComplex): tcomplex; begin result.re := a.re + b.re; result.im := a.im + b.im; end; function ComplexSub(const a, b: tcomplex): tcomplex; begin result.re := a.re - b.re; result.im := a.im - b.im; end; function ComplexMinus(const a: Tcomplex): tcomplex; begin result := ComplexMult(a, -1); end; function ComplexIsZero(const a: TComplex): Boolean; begin result := (abs(a.re) < kEpsilon) and (abs(a.im) < kEpsilon); end; function ComplexModule(const z: TComplex): Double; { module : r = |z| } begin result := sqrt((z.re * z.re) + (z.im * z.im)); end; function ComplexArg(const z: tcomplex): double; begin result := arctan2(z.im, z.re); end; function ComplexSqrt(const z: TComplex): tcomplex; { square root : r := sqrt(z) } var root, q: double; begin if (z.re <> 0.0) or (z.im <> 0.0) then begin root := sqrt(0.5 * (abs(z.re) + ComplexModule(z))); q := z.im / (2.0 * root); if z.re >= 0.0 then begin result.re := root; result.im := q; end else if z.im < 0.0 then begin result.re := - q; result.im := - root end else begin result.re := q; result.im := root end end else result := z; end; function ComplexExp(const z: tcomplex): tcomplex; var expz: double; begin expz := exp(z.re); result.re := expz * cos(z.im); result.im := expz * sin(z.im); end; function ComplexLn(const z: tcomplex) : tcomplex; begin result.re := ln(ComplexModule(z)); result.im := arctan2(z.im, z.re); end; function ComplexPow(z1: tcomplex; r: double): tcomplex; begin result := ComplexExp(ComplexMult(ComplexLn(z1), r)); end; function ComplexPolar(magnitude, angle: double): TComplex; begin result.re := magnitude * Cos(angle); result.im := magnitude * Sin(angle); end; function ComplexConj(z : tcomplex): tcomplex; begin result.re := z.re; result.im := - z.im; end; function laguerre(degree: integer; // Number of coefficients-1. const a: array of TComplex; // Array of coefficients. var z: TComplex): boolean; // Starting and end point. const f: array[0 .. 7] of double = ( 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.13, 0.38, 0.62, 0.88 ); var sn, snm: double; k: longint; j, kk: integer; ca, caca, cb, c1, dz, cc, cp, cm, zz: TComplex; alpha, beta, gamma: TComplex; begin result := false; sn := degree; // degree = sn = number of coefficients - 1. snm := degree - 1; for k := 0 to pred(10000) do begin // Not more than ten thousand iterations. alpha := a[degree]; beta := ComplexValue(0.0, 0.0); gamma := ComplexValue(0.0, 0.0); for j := degree - 1 downto 0 do begin // Horner's scheme. gamma := ComplexAdd(ComplexMult(z, gamma), beta); beta := ComplexAdd(ComplexMult(z, beta), alpha); alpha := ComplexAdd(ComplexMult(z, alpha), a[j]); end; if ComplexIsZero(alpha) then exit; ca := ComplexDiv(ComplexMinus(beta), alpha); caca := ComplexMult(ca, ca); cb := ComplexSub(caca, ComplexDiv(ComplexMult(gamma, 2.0), alpha)); c1 := ComplexSqrt(ComplexMult(ComplexSub(ComplexMult(cb, sn), caca), snm)); cp := ComplexAdd(ca, c1); cm := ComplexSub(ca, c1); if (ComplexModule(cm) > ComplexModule(cp)) then // norm() is faster than abs(). cp := cm; if ComplexIsZero(cp) then // Re-init trick from 'Numerical Recipes'. dz := ComplexMult( ComplexPolar(1.0, k), (1.0 + ComplexModule(z)) ) else dz := ComplexDiv(sn, cp); kk := k mod 9; // Once every 9 iterations. if kk = 0 then dz := ComplexMult(dz, f[(k div 9) and 7]); // Cycle breaking trick (but f[0]=1.0). z := ComplexAdd(z, dz); if (kk <> 0) and (ComplexModule(dz) < 1e-31) then exit; // OK, converged: almost no change. // THIS 1e-31 IS RELATED TO kEPSILON ! if k = 2000 then z := ComplexMinus(z) // Kick z around when it else if k = 4000 then z := ComplexConj(z) // is taking too long. else if k = 6000 then z := ComplexMinus(ComplexConj(z)) else if k = 8000 then z := ComplexMult(z, ComplexValue(0.0, 1.0)); end; result := true; end; type parrtype = ^arrtype; arrtype = array[0 .. pred(4096)] of tcomplex; (* In most cases, the number of roots will equal the number of input coeffi- cients minus one. Only if the last (or latter) coefficient(s) is (are) zero, the number of resulting roots may be less than expected (coeffs.size() - 1). Coefficients expected in ascending order of degree. *) function factor(coeffs_size: integer; const coeffs: array of tcomplex; var roots: array of tcomplex; var num_roots: integer): integer; const n_attempts = 4; var p, z, a2, D: tcomplex; attempt, degree, degreeH, e, coeff, n: integer; guess: array[0 .. pred(n_attempts)] of tcomplex; magnitude, angle, angle_inc: double; cc: parrtype; c: integer; begin attempt := 0; guess[0] := ComplexValue(8.0, 0.0); guess[1] := ComplexValue(-6.0, 0.0); guess[2] := ComplexValue(0.0, 6.0); guess[3] := ComplexValue(0.0, -8.0); (* complex *cc = NULL, // Tmp copy of coefficients. *c = NULL; // Itarator within it. vector >::const_iterator coeff = coeffs.begin(); *) coeff := 0; degree := coeffs_size - 1; num_roots := 0; e := 0; // Find the ACTUAL degree of the polynomial. This guarentees last coeff is non-zero. while (degree > 0) and ComplexIsZero(coeffs[degree]) do dec(degree); result := 1; if degree < 1 then exit; // There must at least be 2 coefficients, of which // only the first may be zero. (* if (roots.size() != static_cast(degree)) // Prepare output vector. roots.resize(degree); *) // Factor-out roots at the origin. while (degree > 0) and ComplexIsZero(coeffs[coeff + 0]) do begin roots[num_roots] := ComplexValue(0.0, 0.0); // Insert root at 0. inc(num_roots); inc(coeff); dec(degree); end; degreeH := degree; // Remember for retries. // From here on, first and last coeff are non-zero. if degree > 0 then begin // Copy input array so we can write in it. // (Only necessary for Laguerre, actually). getmem(cc, sizeof(tcomplex) * (degree + 1)); c := 0; // cc = c = new complex[degree + 1]; // MAY THROW AN EXCEPTION. for n := 0 to degree do cc^[c + n] := coeffs[coeff + n]; end; while degree > 2 do begin // It is perhaps a bit stupid to investigate this EACH time: the chance that // such a simple form appears in between Laguerre iterations is almost nil(?). // See whether all coeffs in between are zero. n := 1; while (n < degree) and ComplexIsZero(cc^[c + n]) do inc(n); // Then we have a complex 88 if n = degree then begin // binomial in this form: x = -a0 / a88 // Now we have 88 solutions all at once: p := ComplexDiv(ComplexMinus(cc^[c + 0]), cc^[c + degree]); magnitude := power(ComplexModule(p), 0.5 / degree); angle := ComplexArg(p) / degree; angle_inc := 8.0 * arctan(1.0) / degree; repeat roots[num_roots] := ComplexPolar(magnitude, angle); inc(num_roots); angle := angle + angle_inc; dec(degree); until degree <> 0; // degree = 0 returns immediately. end // if else begin // Solve numerically. z := guess[attempt]; // Select a starting point. if laguerre(degree, // Number of coefficients - 1. cc^[c], // Ptr to array of complex coefficients. z) then // Starting point and found root. e := 2 // 2 means Laguerre did not converge. else begin // Synthetic division (and check if z is really a root). for n := degree - 1 downto 0 do // c[degree] stays the same. cc^[c + n] := ComplexAdd(cc^[c + n], ComplexMult(cc^[c + n + 1], z)); if (ComplexModule(cc^[c + 0]) < kEPSILON) then begin // Must be (almost) zero. dec(degree); inc(c); // Remove first coefficient. roots[num_roots] := z; // Store the divisor. inc(num_roots); e := 0; end else e := 3; // 3 means synthetic division left non-zero remainder. end; // else if (e > 0) then begin inc(attempt); if (attempt < n_attempts) then begin // Try all over again. num_roots := num_roots - (degreeH - degree); // Remove only the non- degree := degreeH; // zero roots found. c := 0; // Restore coeffs. for n := 0 to degree do cc^[c + n] := coeffs[coeff + n]; end else degree := 0; // Exit the loop, e=2 or e=3. end // if end // else end; // while if (degree = 2) then begin // Solve quadratic equation analytically: a2 := ComplexMult(cc^[c + 2], 2.0); // -------- D := ComplexSqrt( ComplexSub( ComplexMult(cc^[c + 1], cc^[c + 1]), ComplexMult( ComplexMult(cc^[c + 2], cc^[c + 0]), 4.0 ) ) ); roots[num_roots] := ComplexDiv(ComplexAdd(ComplexMinus(cc^[c + 1]), D), a2); // x1 = (-b+D)/2a inc(num_roots); roots[num_roots] := ComplexDiv(ComplexSub(ComplexMinus(cc^[c + 1]), D), a2); // x2 = (-b-D)/2a inc(num_roots); end else if (degree = 1) then begin // Solve linear equation analytically: // a0 + a1 x = 0 <=> x = -a0 / a1. roots[num_roots] := ComplexDiv(ComplexMinus(cc^[c + 0]), cc^[c + 1]); // Division by zero can never occur. inc(num_roots); end; // else (if (degree == 0)) we're done. freemem(cc, sizeof(tcomplex) * (degree + 1)); // Release temporary workspace. result := e; // 0 = Ok. end; procedure test(degree: integer); const max_degree = 64; var coeffs: array[0 .. max_degree] of tcomplex; roots: array[0 .. pred(max_degree)] of tcomplex; i, e, n_roots: integer; begin //vector > coeffs(degree + 1); // INPUT. coeffs[2] := ComplexValue(2.0, 1.0); coeffs[1] := ComplexMinus(ComplexValue(7.0, 1.0)); coeffs[0] := ComplexValue(15.0, 10.0); // vector > roots(degree); // OUT/INPUT. // vector > coeffs_back(degree + 1); // OUTPUT. e := factor(degree + 1, coeffs, // Input. roots, n_roots); // Output. for i := 0 to pred(n_roots) do begin Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(format('root #%2d = (%6.2f, %6.2f)', [i + 1, roots[i].re, roots[i].im])); // writeln('root #', i + 1, ' = (', roots[i].re:6:2, ' , ', roots[i].im: 6:2, ')') end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin test(2); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin (* _zero := VarComplexCreate(0.0, 0.0); _i := VarComplexCreate(0.0, 1.0); *) end; end.