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Форум «Всё о Паскале» _ Делфи _ Length

Автор: Артемий 4.04.2007 11:34

Здравствуйте!У меня к вам такой вопрос-как,зная MediaPlayer.Length узнать полное время трэка в формате час/мин/сек?Заранее спасибо!

Автор: klem4 4.04.2007 11:49

Цитата(Delphi HELP)
The following code declares a HMSRec record with four byte fields. If TimeFormat is tfHMS, the first field specifies hours, the second field specifies minutes, the third field specifies seconds, and the fourth field corresponds to the unused most-significant byte of the tfHMS time format. A LongInt variable is typecast to an HMSRec record, then the hours, minutes, and seconds of the Length of the loaded media are displayed in labels when the user clicks a button.


HMSRec = record
Hours: byte;
Minutes: byte;
Seconds: byte;
NotUsed: byte;


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

TheLength: LongInt;

{ Set time format - note that some devices don’t support tfHMS }

MediaPlayer1.TimeFormat := tfHMS;
{ Store length of currently loaded media }
TheLength := MediaPlayer1.Length;
with HMSRec(TheLength) do { Typecast TheLength as a HMSRec record }
Label1.Caption := IntToStr(Hours); { Display Hours in Label1 }
Label2.Caption := IntToStr(Minutes); { Display Minutes in Label2 }
Label3.Caption := IntToStr(Seconds); { Display Seconds in Label3 }

Автор: Артемий 4.04.2007 11:57

Не могу не сказать спасибо!