uses crt; var i,levelup,exp:longint; er,exitlevel,boss,swampp:integer; tab:string; savefile,loadfile:text; par:array[1..9] of string; sch:integer; r,p,m,hp,dm,cur,luk,ex,money,monster,mhp,mdm,gold,life,lvl,mg:integer; el,poc1,poc2,quest,ellif,elsil,pb,pa,ma,mb,mpoc1,mpoc2,kill,dead,d:integer; rasa,dey,at,bl,dial,adres:string; key:char; fight,prohod,exitmenu:boolean; gor:longint; const r1r='-----------'; z=' '; procedure load; begin sch:=1; clrscr; writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(yellow); writeln('If you want load game, from that directory, where is this game '); writeln('write only a name of load-file'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r,r1r); writeln('Please, write directory.'); readln(adres); assign(loadfile,adres+'.ini'); reset(loadfile); read(loadfile,lvl,hp,poc2,poc1,exp,r,kill,dead,boss,exitlevel); close(loadfile); if r=1 then rasa:='human'; if r=2 then rasa:='elf'; if r=3 then rasa:='ork'; if r=4 then rasa:='lizard'; end; procedure save; begin clrscr; writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(yellow); writeln('If you want save game, in that directory, where is this game '); writeln('write only a name of save-file'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r,r1r); writeln('Please, write directory.'); readln(adres); assign(savefile, adres+'.ini'); rewrite(savefile); write(savefile,lvl,z, hp,z, poc2,z, poc1,z, exp,z, r,z, kill,z, dead,z,boss,z,exitlevel); close(savefile); end; procedure menu; begin exitmenu:=false; repeat clrscr; gotoxy(7,1); textcolor(yellow); writeln('Main menu'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('Contining game '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[CON]'); textcolor(white); write('Save game '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[SAVE]'); textcolor(white); write('Load game '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[LOAD]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='con' then exitmenu:=true; if dey='save' then save; if dey='load' then load; until exitmenu=true; end; procedure dialmonk(var boss:integer); begin repeat clrscr; writeln('Hello, what do you want from me?'); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('I want speak about my mission '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[M]'); textcolor(white); write('Goodbye '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[G]'); textcolor(white); readln(dial); if dial='g' then d:=2; if dial='m' then d:=1; if d=2 then writeln('Goodbye'); if d=1 then begin repeat if prohod=false then begin clrscr; writeln('To become a paladin you mast kill an owner of old castle'); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('OK. I will kill him. '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[G]'); textcolor(white); readln(dial); if dial='g' then d:=2; end; if prohod=true then begin clrscr; writeln('Oh, I see you kill him. So, now you become a paladin.'); writeln('And now you mast go to the Hell and kill a powerfull demon.'); writeln('I have already open portal, so you can go.'); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('Ok. I''m ready '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); boss:=1; textcolor(white); readln(dial); if dial='r' then d:=2; end; until d<>1; end; repeat until keypressed; until d=2; end; procedure monster18; begin mhp:=550; mpoc1:=15; mpoc2:=1; ex:=650; gold:=130; writeln('You see a gidre (lv 7)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 4-20 '); end; procedure monster17; begin mhp:=400; mpoc1:=15; mpoc2:=1; ex:=480; gold:=98; writeln('You see a small gidre (lv 5)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 1-15 '); end; procedure monster16; begin mhp:=350; mpoc1:=10; mpoc2:=4; ex:=420; gold:=84; writeln('You see an old swamp''s crocodile (lv 5)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 4-10 '); end; procedure monster15; begin mhp:=200; mpoc1:=8; mpoc2:=1; ex:=245; gold:=59; writeln('You see an swamp''s crocodile (lv 4)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 1-8 '); end; procedure monster14; begin mhp:=650; mpoc1:=21; mpoc2:=0; ex:=750; gold:=117; writeln('You see an lich (lv 9)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 0-20 '); end; procedure boss1; begin mhp:=750; mpoc1:=11; mpoc2:=5; ex:=850; gold:=170; writeln('You see a dark magister, owner of this castle (lv 10)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 5-15 '); end; procedure monster13; begin mhp:=500; mpoc1:=4; mpoc2:=7; ex:=585; gold:=117; writeln('You see an skeleton (lv 7)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 7-10 '); end; procedure monster12; begin mhp:=750; mpoc1:=26; mpoc2:=15; ex:=1050; gold:=210; writeln('You see an old dragon (lv 10)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 15-45 '); end; procedure monster11; begin mhp:=500; mpoc1:=21; mpoc2:=10; ex:=650; gold:=130; writeln('You see a dragon (lv 8)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 10-30 '); end; procedure monster10; begin mhp:=120; mpoc1:=5; mpoc2:=5; ex:=185; gold:=34; writeln('You see a garpie (lv 3)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 4-9 '); end; procedure monster9; begin mhp:=150; mpoc1:=11; mpoc2:=3; ex:=220; gold:=54; writeln('You see a gorguly (lv 5)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 3-13'); end; procedure shandow; begin mhp:=hp; mpoc1:=poc1; mpoc2:=poc2; ex:=2*(hp+(poc1+poc2)*5); writeln('You see a your''s shandow (lv ',lvl,')'); writeln('Hp:',hp); writeln('Dm: ',poc2,'-',poc1); end; procedure monster8; begin mhp:=220; mpoc1:=6; mpoc2:=10; ex:=355; gold:=71; writeln('You see a king wurm (lv 6)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 10-15'); end; procedure monster7; begin mhp:=150; mpoc1:=5; mpoc2:=8; ex:=250; gold:=50; writeln('You see an old wurm (lv 5)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 8-12'); end; procedure monster6; begin mhp:=100; mpoc1:=4; mpoc2:=5; ex:=165; gold:=33; writeln('You see a wurm (lv 5)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 5-8'); end; procedure monster5; begin mhp:=60; mpoc1:=3; mpoc2:=3; ex:=100; gold:=20; writeln('You see a headhunter(lv 4)'); writeln('Hp:',mhp); writeln('Dm: 3-5'); end; procedure monster4; begin mhp:=70; mpoc1:=1; mpoc2:=1; ex:=85; gold:=15; writeln('You see an ent (lv 3)'); writeln('Hp: ',mhp); writeln('Dm: 1-2'); end; procedure monster3; begin mhp:=50; mpoc1:=4; mpoc2:=1; ex:=80; gold:=15; writeln('You see an ent(lv 3)'); writeln('Hp: ',mhp); writeln('Dm: 1-5'); end; procedure monster2; begin mhp:=25; mpoc1:=3; mpoc2:=3; ex:=65; gold:=11; writeln('You see a wolf(lv 2)'); writeln('Hp: ',mhp); writeln('Dm: 3-5'); end; procedure monster1; begin mhp:=15; mpoc1:=1; mpoc2:=3; ex:=35; gold:=7; writeln('You see a wolf(lv 1)'); writeln('Hp: ',mhp); writeln('Dm: 1-3'); end; procedure boi; begin randomize; dm:=random(poc1)+poc2; mdm:=random(mpoc1)+mpoc2; pa:=0; pb:=0; clrscr; writeln('You have: ',life); writeln('Monster have: ',mhp); writeln(r1r,r1r); writeln('Attack to '); write('Head '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); write('Body '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[B]'); textcolor(white); write('Legs '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[L]'); textcolor(white); readln(at); if at='h' then pa:=1; if at='b' then pa:=2; if at='l' then pa:=3; if (pa>0) and (pa<4) then begin clrscr; writeln('You have: ',life); writeln('Monster have: ',mhp); writeln(r1r,r1r); writeln('Block to '); write('Head '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); write('Body '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[B]'); textcolor(white); write('Legs '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[L]'); textcolor(white); readln(bl); if bl='h' then pb:=1; if bl='b' then pb:=2; if bl='l' then pb:=3; if (pb>0) and (pb<4) then begin ma:=random(3)+1; mb:=random(3)+1; if pa<>mb then mhp:=mhp-dm; if pb<>ma then life:=life-mdm; end; end; end; procedure runaway; begin writeln('You run away'); writeln('You loose 50 exp'); exp:=exp-50; repeat until keypressed; end; procedure expifor; begin writeln('You saw a stone. When you take it...'); ex:=random(30)+1; exp:=exp+ex; writeln('You get ',ex,' exp'); repeat until keypressed; end; procedure monifor; begin writeln('You find some money.'); ex:=random(10)+1; money:=money+ex; writeln('You get ',ex,' money'); repeat until keypressed; end; procedure loose; begin textcolor(red); writeln('YOU LOOSE'); textcolor(white); writeln('You loose all your money.'); money:=0; writeln('You loose 200 exp.'); exp:=exp-200; dead:=dead+1; end; procedure win; begin textcolor(green); writeln('YOU WIN'); textcolor(white); exp:=exp+ex; write('You''ve got '); textcolor(yellow); write(ex); textcolor(white); writeln(' exp'); writeln('Now you have: ', exp, ' exp'); money:=money+gold; write('You''ve got '); textcolor(yellow); write(gold); textcolor(white); writeln(' money'); writeln('Now you have: ', money,' money'); kill:=kill+1; if monster=0 then begin textcolor(yellow); writeln('You killed an owner of old castle!'); writeln('And now evil go away from this land!'); textcolor(white); prohod:=true; boss:=1; end; repeat until keypressed; end; procedure level1; begin repeat if p=1 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the forest. What do you want to do?'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Hunt '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); if swampp=1 then begin write('Go to the swamp '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[S]'); textcolor(white); end; write('Go to the castle '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[C]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if (dey='s') and (swampp=1) then p:=5; if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='c' then p:=9; if dey='h' then begin writeln('You go hunt...'); luk:=random(20)+1; if luk=20 then begin textcolor(yellow); writeln('You find new location!'); textcolor(white); swampp:=1; repeat until keypressed; end; if (luk=19) or (luk=18) then expifor; if (luk=17) or (luk=16) then monifor; if luk<16 then begin writeln('You see a monster!'); monster:=random(4)+1; begin if monster=1 then monster1; if monster=2 then monster2; if monster=3 then monster3; if monster=4 then monster4; end; writeln('You can:'); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Run '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='r' then fight:=false; if dey='f' then fight:=true; if fight=false then runaway; if fight=true then begin life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); repeat if life<0 then loose; if (mhp<=0) and (life>0) then win; until keypressed; end; end; end; until p<>1; end; if p=2 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the villiage.'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); if prohod=true then begin write('Use teleport to the Hell '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); end; textcolor(white); write('Go to Arena '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[A]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the forest '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the plaints '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[P]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to mountains '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[M]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the guild '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[G]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the church '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[C]'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('Main menu '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[M]'); textcolor(white); write('Exit '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[E]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='e' then exit; if dey='m' then menu; if dey='f' then p:=1; if dey='g' then p:=3; if dey='c' then p:=4; if dey='p' then p:=6; if dey='a' then p:=7; if dey='m' then p:=8; if (dey='h') and (boss=1) then exitlevel:=1; until p<>2; end; if p=3 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the guid'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r); write('Buy power(',elsil,' money) '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[P]'); textcolor(white); write('Buy health(',ellif,' money) '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='p' then begin if money=elsil then begin elsil:=elsil+5; textcolor(lightgreen); writeln('You buy it'); textcolor(white); money:=money-elsil; el:=random(2); writeln('Now you become stronger!'); if el=0 then begin poc1:=poc1+1; writeln('Your max damage +1'); end; if el=1 then begin poc2:=poc2+1; writeln('Your min damage +1'); end; write('Your damage ',poc2,'-',poc1); repeat until keypressed; end; end; if dey='h' then begin if money=ellif then begin ellif:=ellif+5; textcolor(lightgreen); writeln('You buy it'); textcolor(white); money:=money-ellif; writeln('You become healther!'); hp:=hp+5; writeln('Now you have ',hp); repeat until keypressed; end; end; until p<>3; end; if p=4 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the church'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); write('Level up '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[L]'); textcolor(white); write('Statistic '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[S]'); textcolor(white); write('Speak with the monk '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[M]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='m' then dialmonk(boss); if dey='s' then begin clrscr; textcolor(yellow); gotoxy(7,1); writeln('STATISTIC'); textcolor(white); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('You kill '); textcolor(red); write(kill); textcolor(white); writeln(' monsters'); write('You dead '); textcolor(red); write(dead); textcolor(white); writeln(' times'); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('You have '); textcolor(yellow); write(exp); textcolor(white); writeln(' exp'); write('You have '); textcolor(yellow); write(money); textcolor(white); writeln(' money'); write('You have '); textcolor(yellow); write(hp); textcolor(white); writeln(' hp'); write('Your damage is '); textcolor(yellow); writeln(poc2,'-',poc1); textcolor(white); repeat until keypressed; end; if dey='l' then begin clrscr; if exp>=levelup then begin repeat clrscr; lvl:=lvl+1; hp:=hp+5; writeln('You level up!'); writeln(r1r,r1r); write('Now you have '); textcolor(yellow); write(hp); textcolor(white); writeln(' hp'); writeln(r1r,r1r); if lvl>1 then levelup:=levelup+200+50*lvl; until exp4; end; if p=5 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the swamp'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Go to the forest '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Hunt '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='f' then p:=1; if dey='h' then begin writeln('You see a monster!'); monster:=random(4)+1; begin if monster=1 then monster15; if monster=2 then monster16; if monster=3 then monster17; if monster=4 then monster18; end; writeln('You can:'); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Run '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='r' then fight:=false; if dey='f' then fight:=true; if fight=false then runaway; if fight=true then begin life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); if life<0 then loose; if (mhp<=0) and (life>0) then win; repeat until keypressed; end; end; until p<>6; end; if p=6 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the plaints'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); write('Hunt '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='h' then begin writeln('You go hunt...'); luk:=random(10)+1; if luk=10 then expifor; if luk=9 then monifor; if luk<9 then begin writeln('You see a monster!'); monster:=random(4)+1; begin if monster=1 then monster5; if monster=2 then monster6; if monster=3 then monster7; if monster=4 then monster8; end; writeln('You can:'); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Run '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='r' then fight:=false; if dey='f' then fight:=true; if fight=false then runaway; if fight=true then begin life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); if life<0 then loose; if (mhp<=0) and (life>0) then win; repeat until keypressed; end; end; end; until p<>6; end; if p=7 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay on the Arena'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='f' then begin clrscr; writeln('With who do you want to fight?'); writeln(r1r); write('Shandow ( ' ,lvl,'lv )' ); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[S]'); textcolor(white); monster:=5; readln(dey); if dey='s' then shandow; life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); if life<=0 then loose; if life>0 then win; repeat until keypressed; end; until p<>7; end; if p=8 then begin repeat clrscr; m:=0; writeln('You stay in the mounteins. What do you want to do?'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Hunt '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[H]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the village '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[V]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='v' then p:=2; if dey='h' then begin writeln('You go hunt...'); luk:=random(4)+1; writeln('You see a monster!'); monster:=random(4)+1; begin if monster=1 then monster10; if monster=2 then monster9; if monster=3 then monster11; if monster=4 then monster12; end; writeln('You can:'); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Run '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='r' then fight:=false; if dey='f' then fight:=true; if fight=false then runaway; if fight=true then begin life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); if life<0 then loose; if (mhp<=0) and (life>0) then win; repeat until keypressed; end; end; until p<>8; end; if p=9 then begin repeat clrscr; writeln('You stay in the old castle. What do you want to do?'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Explore '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[E]'); textcolor(white); write('Go to the forest '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='f' then p:=1; if dey='e' then begin luk:=random(5)+1; if luk=5 then begin writeln('You find a money'); m:=random(200)+1; writeln('You find ',m); money:=money+m; repeat until keypressed; end; if luk<>5 then begin clrscr; writeln('You see a monster!'); monster:=random(4)+1; begin if monster=1 then monster13; if monster=2 then monster13; if monster=3 then monster14; if monster=4 then begin if boss=0 then begin boss1; monster:=0; end; if boss=1 then monster14; end; end; writeln('You can:'); write('Fight '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[F]'); textcolor(white); write('Run '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[R]'); textcolor(white); readln(dey); if dey='r' then fight:=false; if dey='f' then fight:=true; if fight=false then runaway; if fight=true then begin life:=hp; repeat boi; until (life<=0) or (mhp<=0); if life<0 then loose; if (mhp<=0) and (life>0) then win; repeat until keypressed; end; end; end; until p<>9; end; until exitlevel=1; clrscr; textcolor(yellow+blink); gotoxy(7,1); writeln('!!! You win !!!'); textcolor(green); writeln(r1r,r1r); textcolor(white); write('Author: '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('yazer'); textcolor(white); writeln(''); repeat until keypressed; end; procedure game; begin write('You have: '); textcolor(yellow); write(hp); textcolor(white); writeln(' hp'); write('You damage is '); textcolor(yellow); writeln(poc2,'-',poc1); textcolor(white); repeat until keypressed; level1; end; procedure lizard; begin hp:=5000; poc1:=600; poc2:=100; game; end; procedure human; begin hp:=40; poc1:=9; poc2:=1; game; end; procedure elf; begin hp:=30; poc1:=15; poc2:=2; game; end; procedure ork; begin hp:=50; poc1:=6; poc2:=1; game; end; procedure index; begin p:=2; money:=0; exp:=0; lvl:=1; prohod:=false; levelup:=250; quest:=1; ellif:=35; elsil:=50; repeat clrscr; writeln('Who are you?'); write('human '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[h]'); textcolor(white); write('elf '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[e]'); textcolor(white); write('ork '); textcolor(yellow); writeln('[o]'); textcolor(white); r:=0; readln(rasa); if rasa='h' then r:=1; if rasa='e' then r:=2; if rasa='o' then r:=3; if rasa='lizard' then r:=4; until r<>0; if r=1 then human; if r=2 then elf; if r=3 then ork; if r=4 then lizard; end; procedure logo; begin textcolor(white); clrscr; writeln(r1r); write('| '); textcolor(yellow); write('quest'); textcolor(white); writeln(' |'); writeln(r1r); repeat until keypressed; index; end; begin randomize; logo; end.