Program Kurs_check; Uses Graph,Crt; Type Position = record x,y : integer; end; ChessType = (W,WD,B,BD,N,G); DeskType = array[-3..14,-3..14] of ChessType; TPlayer = object Start,Finish : Position; Color : boolean;{.t. если белые} Fight : boolean;{.t. если нужно бить} loose : boolean;{.t. если проиграл} procedure Init (_Color : Boolean); end; TDesk = object Desk : DeskType; sx,sy : word; procedure Init; procedure Draw; procedure DrawFigure(x,y:Word;f:ChessType); function NoStep (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function NoStep2 (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function MoveFrom (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function MoveFrom2 (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function NoFight (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function NoFight2 (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function can_move (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function can_move2 (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function must_fight (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function must_fight2 (Player:TPlayer):boolean; function Analise (var Player:TPlayer):boolean; procedure ScanDamk; end; TGame = object Desk : TDesk; GameOver : boolean; procedure Init; procedure Run; procedure Play (var Player : TPlayer); end; const sx=45; DeskInit : DeskType = ((G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,W,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,B,N,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G), (G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G,G)); Var Game : TGame; Player1: TPlayer; Player2: TPlayer; ii,jj:integer; kto : byte; Checks:array[chesstype]of byte; procedure Beep; {пищит} begin {write(#7);} end; procedure TGame.Init; {инициализация графики} var Gd,Gm,GR : Integer; begin Gd := 0; Gm := 0; InitGraph(Gd,Gm,''); GR:=GraphResult; if GR<> 0 then begin writeln('Ошибка инициализации графики'); halt(0); end; GameOver := False; Desk.Init; end; procedure TDesk.Init; {установка размера игрового поля и всех графических объектов кроме текста} begin Desk:=DeskInit; sx := 45; end; procedure TGame.Run; {выдача сообщений, инициализация игроков и запуск др. модулей} begin Desk.Draw; Player1.Init(True); Player2.Init(False); repeat Desk.DrawFigure(30,30,W); if Desk.NoStep(Player1) then begin Player1.loose:=True; GameOver := True; end; play(player1); Desk.DrawFigure(30,30,B); readkey; if readkey='e' then exit; if Desk.NoStep2(Player2) then begin Player2.loose:=True; GameOver := True; end; play(player2); readkey; if readkey='e' then exit; until GameOver; end; function TDesk.NoStep; {возвращает .T. если у игрока (Color=.t. - W; Color=.f. - B) нет ходов} var p : Position; f : boolean; begin p := Player.Start; f := False; with Player.Start do for y:=1 to 10 do for x:=1 to 10 do f := f or can_move(Player) or must_fight(player); Player.Start := p; NoStep := not f; end; function TDesk.NoStep2; {возвращает .T. если у игрока (Color=.t. - W; Color=.f. - B) нет ходов} var p : Position; f : boolean; begin p := Player.Start; f := False; with Player.Start do for y:=1 to 10 do for x:=1 to 10 do f := f or can_move2(Player) or must_fight2(player); {nb} Player.Start := p; NoStep2 := not f; end; procedure TDesk.Draw;{рисует доску и фигуры по данным массива фигур} var i,j : byte; f : boolean; ax,ay : word; dx,dy : word; begin f:=True; GetAspectRatio(ax,ay); SetWriteMode(CopyPut); SetLineStyle(0,0,1); sy := round(sx/ay*ax); dx := GetMaxX div 2 - 5 * sx; dy := GetMaxY div 2 - 5 * sy; SetWriteMode(CopyPut); for j:=0 to 9 do begin for i:=0 to 9 do begin if f then SetFillStyle(1,15) else SetFillStyle(1,22); bar(i*sx+dx,j*sy+dy,(i+1)*sx+dx,(j+1)*sy+dy); DrawFigure(i*sx+dx+sx div 2,j*sy+dy+sy div 2,Desk[j+1][i+1]); f:= not f; end; f := not f; end; end; procedure TDesk.DrawFigure; {рисует шашаку используя передаваемые координаты и параметры - - цвет, дамка/не дамка} var rx,ry : word; begin rx := 2 * sx div 5; ry := 2 * sy div 5; SetWriteMode(CopyPut); SetLineStyle(0,0,1); case f of W,WD : begin SetFillStyle(1,15); SetColor(15); end; B,BD : begin SetFillStyle(1,0); SetColor(0); end; end; case f of W,B : begin FillEllipse(x,y,rx,ry); SetColor(7); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx+1); Arc(x,y,45,225,2 * rx div 3 + 1); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx div 3 + 1); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx-1); Arc(x,y,225,45,2 * rx div 3 - 1); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx div 3 - 1); SetColor(8); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx-1); Arc(x,y,45,225,2 * rx div 3 - 1); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx div 3 - 1); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx+1); Arc(x,y,225,45,2 * rx div 3 + 1); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx div 3 + 1); end; WD,BD : begin FillEllipse(x,y,rx,ry); SetColor(7); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx+1); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx-2); SetColor(8); Arc(x,y,45,225,rx-2); Arc(x,y,225,45,rx+1); end; end; end; procedure TPlayer.Init;{инициализация игроков} begin loose := False; Fight:=False; Color:=_Color; {передается как параметр (T/F)} if Color then begin Start.x:=5; {нач установка курсора} Start.y:=4; end else begin Start.x:=6; Start.y:=7; end end; procedure TGame.Play; {основная процедура игры. Осуществляет координацию модулей и движение курсора выполняется когда ход принадлежит человеку} procedure Select (p:position);{рисует курсор по передаваемым координатам} var dx,dy : word; begin SetWriteMode(XorPut); SetLineStyle(0,0,3); SetColor(15); with p, Desk do begin x:=x-1;y:=y-1; dx := GetMaxX div 2 - 5 * sx; dy := GetMaxY div 2 - 5 * sy; Graph.MoveTo(x*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); LineTo((x+1)*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); LineTo((x+1)*sx+dx,(y+1)*sy+dy); LineTo(x*sx+dx,(y+1)*sy+dy); LineTo(x*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); end; end; procedure Select1 (p:position);{рисует курсор по передаваемым координатам} var dx,dy : word; begin SetWriteMode(CopyPut); SetLineStyle(0,0,3); SetColor(3); with p, Desk do begin x:=x-1;y:=y-1; dx := GetMaxX div 2 - 5 * sx; dy := GetMaxY div 2 - 5 * sy; Graph.MoveTo(x*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); LineTo((x+1)*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); LineTo((x+1)*sx+dx,(y+1)*sy+dy); LineTo(x*sx+dx,(y+1)*sy+dy); LineTo(x*sx+dx,y*sy+dy); end; end; const SelectStart = 1; SelectNext = 2; var State : byte; P,Q : Position; D : DeskType; F : Boolean; begin { if GameOver then exit;} with Player, Desk, P do begin P:=Start; D := Desk; F := Fight; Q := P; State := SelectStart; Select(P); {нарисовали курсор} repeat if keypressed then case readkey of #0 : begin {обработка стрелок - перемещение курсора} Select(P); {стерли курсор} case readkey of 'K' : x:=x-1; 'M' : x:=x+1; 'H' : y:=y-1; 'P' : y:=y+1; end; if x<1 then x:=10; if y<1 then y:=10; if x>10 then x:=1; if y>10 then y:=1; Select(P); {нарисовали новый} end; ' ', #13 : case State of SelectStart : begin if Color then begin Start := P; if MoveFrom (Player) then begin Fight:=False; State:=SelectNext; Select1(P); Q:=P end else Beep; end else begin Start := P; { !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!проблема!!!!!!} if MoveFrom2 (Player) then begin Fight:=False; State:=SelectNext; Select1(P); Q:=P end else Beep; end; end; SelectNext : begin Finish := P; if Color then begin if Analise (Player) then if Fight then begin Start := Finish; if must_fight(Player) then Select(P) else break end else break else Beep; end else begin if Analise (Player) then if Fight then begin Start := Finish; if must_fight2(Player) then Select(P) else break end else break else Beep; end; end; end; 'Q','q' : begin State := SelectStart; Fight := F; Desk := D; P := Q; Draw; Select(P); end; #27 : begin GameOver := True; break; end; end; until False; Fight := False; ScanDamk;{count; nowin; } end; end; function TDesk.MoveFrom;{проверяет возможность хода из данной клетки} begin if NoFight(Player) then MoveFrom := can_move(Player) else MoveFrom := must_fight(Player) end; function TDesk.MoveFrom2;{проверяет возможность хода из данной клетки} begin if NoFight2(Player) then MoveFrom2 := can_move2(Player) else MoveFrom2 := must_fight2(Player) end; function TDesk.NoFight; {возвращает .t. если бить нечего} var f : boolean; begin f := False; with Player.Start do for y:=1 to 10 do for x:=1 to 10 do f := f or must_fight(Player); NoFight := not f; end; function TDesk.NoFight2; {возвращает .t. если бить нечего} var f : boolean; begin f := False; with Player.Start do for y:=1 to 10 do for x:=1 to 10 do f := f or must_fight2(Player); NoFight2 := not f; end; function TDesk.can_move; {возвращает .t. если в текущей клетке есть шашка и ею можно походить} var f : boolean; begin with Player, Start do if Color then case Desk[y][x] of W : f := (Desk[y+1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y+1][x-1] = N); WD : f := (Desk[y+1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y+1][x-1] = N) or (Desk[y-1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y-1][x-1] = N) else f := False end; can_move := f; end; function TDesk.can_move2; {возвращает .t. если в текущей клетке есть шашка и ею можно походить} var f : boolean; begin with Player.Start do case Desk[y][x] of B : f := (Desk[y-1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y-1][x-1] = N); BD : f := (Desk[y+1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y+1][x-1] = N) or (Desk[y-1][x+1] = N) or (Desk[y-1][x-1] = N) else f := False end; can_move2 := f; end; function TDesk.must_fight; {возвращает .t. если в текущей позиции есть фишка и она должна что - то бить} var f : boolean; i : integer; begin with Player, Start do if Color then case Desk[y][x] of W : f := ((Desk[y+2][x+2] = N) and (Desk[y+1][x+1] in [B,BD])) or ((Desk[y+2][x-2] = N) and (Desk[y+1][x-1] in [B,BD])) or ((Desk[y-2][x-2] = N) and (Desk[y-1][x-1] in [B,BD])) or ((Desk[y-2][x+2] = N) and (Desk[y-1][x+1] in [B,BD])); WD : begin i:=1; while Desk[y+i][x+i] = N do inc (i); {ищем ближайшую шашку в этом направлении} f:=(Desk[y+i][x+i] in [B,BD]) and (Desk[y+i+1][x+i+1] = N); {если эта шашка черных и за ней нет ничего - надо бить (f=.t.)} i:=1; while Desk[y-i][x+i] = N do inc (i); f:=f or (Desk[y-i][x+i] in [B,BD]) and (Desk[y-i-1][x+i+1] = N); i:=1; while Desk[y-i][x-i] = N do inc(i); f:=f or (Desk[y-i][x-i] in [B,BD]) and (Desk[y-i-1][x-i-1] = N); i:=1; while Desk[y+i][x-i] = N do inc(i); f:=f or (Desk[y+i][x-i] in [B,BD]) and (Desk[y+i+1][x-i-1] = N); end; else f:= False; end; must_fight := f; end; function TDesk.must_fight2; {возвращает .t. если в текущей позиции есть фишка и она должна что - то бить} var f : boolean; i : integer; begin with Player, Start do case Desk[y][x] of B : f := ((Desk[y+2][x+2] = N) and (Desk[y+1][x+1] in [W,WD])) or ((Desk[y+2][x-2] = N) and (Desk[y+1][x-1] in [W,WD])) or ((Desk[y-2][x-2] = N) and (Desk[y-1][x-1] in [W,WD])) or ((Desk[y-2][x+2] = N) and (Desk[y-1][x+1] in [W,WD])); BD : begin i:=1; while Desk[y+i][x+i] = N do inc (i); f:=(Desk[y+i][x+i] in [W,WD]) and (Desk[y+i+1][x+i+1] = N); i:=1; while Desk[y-i][x+i] = N do inc (i); f:=f or (Desk[y-i][x+i] in [W,WD]) and (Desk[y-i-1][x+i+1] = N); i:=1; while Desk[y-i][x-i] = N do inc(i); f:=f or (Desk[y-i][x-i] in [W,WD]) and (Desk[y-i-1][x-i-1] = N); i:=1; while Desk[y+i][x-i] = N do inc(i); f:=f or (Desk[y+i][x-i] in [W,WD]) and (Desk[y+i+1][x-i-1] = N); end else f := False end; must_fight2 := f; end; function TDesk.Analise; {возвращает .f. если введенный ход не соответствует правилам игры использует нач. и кон. коорд. положения курсора, а так же расположение шашек на доске} var f,f_ : boolean; dx,dy,ix,iy,x,y,cw,cb : Integer; begin with Player do if Color then begin case Desk[Start.y][Start.x] of W : begin if Fight then f := False else f := (Finish.y-Start.y=1) and (abs(Finish.x-Start.x)=1) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x] = N); x := (Start.x+Finish.x) div 2; y := (Start.y+Finish.y) div 2; Fight := (abs(Finish.y-Start.y)=2) and (abs(Finish.x-Start.x)=2) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]=N) and (Desk[y][x] in [B,BD]); end; WD : begin if Finish.x>Start.x then dx := 1 else dx := -1; if Finish.y>Start.y then dy := 1 else dy := -1; ix:=Start.x+dx; iy:=Start.y+dy; f_ := (abs(Finish.x-Start.x) = abs(Finish.y-Start.y)) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]=N); cw:=0; cb:=0; if f_ then repeat if Desk[iy][ix] in [W,WD] then inc(cw); if Desk[iy][ix] in [B,BD] then begin inc(cb); x:=ix; y:=iy; end; if (ix=Finish.x) or (iy=Finish.y) then break; ix :=ix + dx; iy :=iy + dy; until (ix=Finish.x) or (iy=Finish.y); if Fight then f := false else f := (cb=0) and (cw=0) and f_; Fight := (cb=1) and (cw=0) and f_; end else f := False end; if f or Fight then begin Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]:=Desk[Start.y][Start.x]; Desk[Start.y][Start.x] := N; if (Finish.y = 10) then Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]:=WD; if Fight then Desk[y][x]:=N; Draw; end end else begin case Desk[Start.y][Start.x] of B : begin if Fight then f := False else f := (Start.y-Finish.y=1) and (abs(Finish.x-Start.x)=1) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x] = N); x := (Start.x+Finish.x) div 2; y := (Start.y+Finish.y) div 2; Fight := (abs(Finish.y-Start.y)=2) and (abs(Finish.x-Start.x)=2) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]=N) and (Desk[y][x] in [W,WD]); end; BD : begin if Finish.x>Start.x then dx := 1 else dx := -1; if Finish.y>Start.y then dy := 1 else dy := -1; ix:=Start.x+dx; iy:=Start.y+dy; f_ := (abs(Finish.x-Start.x) = abs(Finish.y-Start.y)) and (Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]=N); cw:=0; cb:=0; if f_ then repeat if Desk[iy][ix] in [B,BD] then inc(cb); if Desk[iy][ix] in [W,WD] then begin inc(cw); x:=ix; y:=iy; end; if (ix=Finish.x) or (iy=Finish.y) then break; ix :=ix + dx; iy :=iy + dy; until (ix=Finish.x) or (iy=Finish.y); if Fight then f := false else f:= (cb=0) and (cw=0) and f_; Fight := (cw=1) and (cb=0) and f_; end else f := False end; if f or Fight then begin Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]:=Desk[Start.y][Start.x]; Desk[Start.y][Start.x] := N; if (Finish.y = 1) then Desk[Finish.y][Finish.x]:=BD; if Fight then Desk[y][x]:=N; Draw; end; end; Analise := f or Player.Fight; end; procedure Tdesk.ScanDamk; {превращает шашку в дамку если она достигла нужной позиции} var i : byte; begin for i := 1 to 10 do begin if Desk[1,i] = B then Desk[1,i] := BD; if Desk[10,i] = W then Desk[10,i] := WD; end; end; BEGIN Game.Init; Game.Run; END.