- Вы привыкли к программирвоанию графики в TP - BP ?
- Вы хотите 16 и 24 бит цвет?
- Вы хотите оконную графику?
- хорошая скорость
- небольшие двоичные коды
- инициализации OpenGL
- исходный текст поставляется.
- на 100% все-же не совместим с BP7
- руководство - просто в простом тексте.
Legend: I = identic implementation (as in BP7)
D = different implementation (but the same syntax)
P = same implementation but parameters with different meanings/values
A = additional one
N = found in BP7 but not implemented here (absolete)
(I) ClearDevice (I) CloseGraph (I) DetectGraph
(D) GetModeRange (I) GetDriverName (I) GetGraphMode
(D) GetMaxMode (I) GetModeName (I) GraphDefaults
(A) GraphEnabled (I) GraphErrorMsg (I) GraphResult
(P) InitGraph (N) InstallUserDriver (N) RegisterBGIDriver
(I) RestoreCRTMode (N) SetGraphBufSize (I) SetGraphMode
(A) SetOpenGLMode (A) SetWindowSize (A) UpdateGraph
Screen management
(I) ClearViewPort (A) FreeAnim (I) GetAspectRatio
(A) GetAnim (I) GetImage (I) GetMaxX
(I) GetMaxY (I) GetX (I) GetY
(I) ImageSize (I) GetViewSettings (A) PutAnim
(P) PutImage (I) SetActivePage (I) SetAspectRatio
(I) SetViewPort (I) SetVisualPage (P) SetWriteMode
Color management
(I) GetBkColor (I) GetColor (I) GetDefaultPalette
(A) GetMagickPalette (A) GetSysPalette (I) GetMaxColor
(I) GetPaletteSize (I) GetPalette (I) GetPixel
(A) RGB (I) SetAllPallette (I) SetBkColor
(I) SetColor (I) SetPalette (I) SetRGBPalette
Drawing primitives
(I) Arc (A) Chord (I) Circle
(A) DrawBezier (I) DrawPoly (I) Ellipse
(I) GetArcCoords (I) GetLineSettings (A) InvertRect
(I) Line (I) LineRel (I) LineTo
(I) MoveRel (I) MoveTo (I) PutPixel
(I) Rectangle (A) RotEllipse (A) RoundRect
(P) SetLineStyle
Filled drawings
(I) Bar (I) Bar3D (I) FillEllipse
(I) FillPoly (I) FloodFill (I) GetFillPattern
(I) GetFillSettings (I) PieSlice (I) Sector
(I) SetFillPattern (P) SetFillStyle
Text and font management
(I) GetTextSettings (P) InstallUserFont (I) OutText
(I) OutTextXY (N) RegisterBGIFont (P) SetTextJustify
(P) SetTextStyle (D) SetUserCharSize (I) TextHeight
(I) TextWidth
Keyboard and mouse handling
(A) Delay (A) GetMouseButtons (A) GetMouseEvent
(A) GetMouseX (A) GetMouseY (A) KeyPressed
(A) PollMouseEvent (A) ReadKey (A) SetMouseXY
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